The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) and its subordinate institutions carry out their activity and work with the public in compliance with all the necessary conditions for physical distancing and disinfection of public spaces and workplaces, in order to protect the health of citizens and employees.
ANCPI and its subordinate institutions have taken the necessary measures for the safe and efficient functioning. Thus, the public access in the institutions is made in compliance with safe physical distancing and marking the routes of entry and exit the building. In addition, public access in the buildings is allowed in accordance with the regulations established for this purpose.
We further recommend electronic communication, where possible. Authorized natural and legal persons, notaries and other categories of persons having access to ANCPI’s IT applications will continue to use the online services.
Citizens may register for audiences according to the audience schedule and they also have the following telephone and fax numbers available:
Phone: 021.317.31.62 / 021.317.73.39
Fax: 021.316.52.24
Department for Relation with the Public
- 4th floor, room 19, 32, 33
- 2nd floor, room 25, 27
Registry (1st floor, room 11)
LUNI, MARȚI, MIERCURI, JOI – 8:30 – 16:30
VINERI – 8:30 – 14:30
Procedure regarding the organization of the activity concerning receiving, registration of requests for audience and of scheduling of audience meetings at the level of the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration
The Department for Relation with the Public (SRP) performs activities concerning receiving and registering of the applications for audience granting addressed to the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. In order to streamline the activity of granting audience and eliminating the bureaucracy that may intervene in this process, the following steps will be taken: To streamline the granting of audience and eliminate bureaucracy that may intervene in this process, it will go through the following steps:
Înscrierea în audienţă se poate face LUNI, MARȚI, MIERCURI, JOI – 8:30 – 16:30, VINERI – 8:30 – 14:30, la numărul de telefon 021/317.31.62 sau la sediul instituţiei din Splaiul Independenţei nr. 202 A, sector 6, Bucureşti, et.1, camera 19. De asemenea, formularele cererilor de înscriere în audienţă, completate conform modelului anexat, pot fi transmise prin poştă, prin fax: 021/316.52.24 sau prin e-mail la adresa: